maybe dating is similar to the job application process

Ever noticed how dating apps and job searches are kind of the same? From making a great first impression to dealing with ghosting

A Few Things I’ve Learned from dating and How They Are Similar to Searching for a Job

  • You have to put your best foot forward: For online dating profiles, you have to make your profile as attractive as possible to increase your chances and the number of matches you get.

  • Follow the rules: There are guidelines on what to include and what to leave out. Even if it seems unnecessary, there have been research that has figured out what kind of pictures and information are most effective.

  • Dates can be like interviews: While some might argue that dates shouldn't feel like interviews, the first, second, and third dates are similar to different stages of the interview process. You’re trying to determine if the person is a good fit for you and they're doing the same for you too.

  • All you need is one match (hopefully): Ultimately, you need just one person who meets your criteria and with whom you have a mutual connection. The others are just part of the process.

  • Bonus point: Rejections and ghosting are part of the process, just like when a job you applied to doesn’t get back to you.